Computer Technology, Information Society, Education, TeacherAbstract
The article is devoted to the ethical assessment of the possible consequences of informatization of all forms of educational activity. The author examines the positive and negative aspects of the widespread introduction of computer technology in the educational process. The use of computer technologies in the educational process is designed to solve important didactic tasks. First of all, it is the improvement of the organization of the educational process, acceleration and intensification of the learning process, ensuring its flexibility and individual approach. In addition, computer technologies can significantly increase the productivity of self-training of students, ensure the development of their personality, stimulate research activities and, in general, increase the level of independence in the learning process. At the same time, in ethical terms, the most dangerous consequence of the mass transfer of the educational process to computer-based learning schemes is the possible dehumanization of the educational process, the withdrawal of the spiritual personal component from it. The most dangerous consequence of the complete transfer of the educational process to computer rails is the possible curtailment of live dialogical communication of participants in the educational process — that communication, which is the most important and practically the only source of speech development of students, and consequently, their independent creative thinking
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