Marital Conflict, Content, Intensity, FrequencyAbstract
The term "marital conflict" refers to a dispute between spouses on a different course of action (s). This research work tried to assess multiple relationships among content of marital conflict, frequency of marital conflict, intensity of marital conflict and parents’ resolution of marital conflict on academic achievement of secondary schools students in Enugu State, Nigeria. A correlational survey is used in this research work in ascertaining the relationships among these variables. The population for the study consist of selected Senior Secondary 2 Students (SS2) in seventeen Local Government Areas of Enugu State. The sample size of the study was 291 respondents from senior secondary school 2 students. The sample size was selected using a stratified random sampling procedure. Twelve secondary schools were therefore sampled from each zone. The research instrument used was a structured questionnaire. Multiple Linear regressions were used to show the relationship that exists between the conflict dimensions. A t-test statistical technique was used to test the hypotheses that guided the study. All computations were done with the use of Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS: version 20). The results obtained showed a statistically significant relationship among the Conflict dimensions and Academic Achievement of the Student’s bases on the significance value of 0.000 that is less than the alpha level of 0.05. The researcher rejects the null hypothesis and concludes that there is a strong relationship between content of marital conflict, frequency of marital conflict, intensity of marital conflict and parents’ resolution of marital conflict on academic achievement of secondary school students in Enugu State Nigeria
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