
  • Raflaa S.Hussien The University of Babylon, College of Science, Department of Biology
  • Sura I.A.Jabuk The University of Babylon, College of Science, Department of Biology
  • Zahraa M. Altaee The University of Babylon, College of Science, Department of Biology
  • Anmar M. K. Al-Maamori The University of Babylon, College of Science, Department of Biology


Anemia, Health Issues


One of the most prevalent public health issues, anemia can result in major health issues such stunted growth in children, slowed mental and psychomotor development, worse work performance, and increased susceptibility to parasite infections. Low socioeconomic position, dietary deficits, helminth infections and other infectious illnesses, illiteracy, and blood disorders are the causes of anemia. Iron deficiency, foliate deficiency, hookworm infection, and malaria are the main causes of anemia. About 50% of the two billion anemia cases worldwide are caused by iron deficiency. Treatment of the underlying causes, return of hemoglobin concentration to normal ranges, and prevention and treatment of consequences are among the cost-effective therapies against anemia.


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How to Cite

Raflaa S.Hussien, Sura I.A.Jabuk, Zahraa M. Altaee, & Anmar M. K. Al-Maamori. (2023). REVIEW OF ANEMIA: TYPES AND CAUSES. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability, 4(7), 1-3. Retrieved from




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