Biofilm, Pathogenesis, Pathogenic bacteriaAbstract
A collection of microorganisms that reside in a self-assembled polymeric matrix and come into touch with a range of surfaces is known as a biofilm. These biofilms can have one or more layers, depending on how the component cells and the surface interact. The creation of biofilms gives many bacteria the ability to move from one planktonic form to another. Biofilms are a very normal and common condition for bacteria. Bacteria that generate biofilms are critical to animal health. Animal species seem to be more susceptible to infection than human beings. because of certain variations in the living circumstances and environment of the animal. Numerous bacteria, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus epidermis, Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus cloacae, and Klebsiella pneumonia, can form biofilms. In bacterial infections, biofilms may both make the organism more pathogenic and protect it against external treatments. Phagocytosis, UV radiation, pH stress, chemicals, dehydration, and antibiotics pose a major danger to the cells protected by biofilms. Tissue culture plates, bioluminescence tests, and Congo red agar are seen to be three essential, useful methods for finding and examining biofilms. Microorganisms development and spread of antibiotic resistance is a serious threat to global health.
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