STEAM-BASED PROJECT LEARNING DEVICE TEST ON PLANTAE MATERIALS FOR SMA NEGERI 1 BILATO Test The Validity Of Steam Project Based Learning On The Material Of Kingdom Plantae To Increasing Students Creative Thinking
Learning tools, PjBL, creative thinkingAbstract
This research is a development research that aims to describe the validity of STEAM-based project learning tools in the form of lesson plans, LKPD and Thinking Tests using the PjBL learning model on Kingdom Plantae material at SMAN 1 Limboto. The results showed that the quality of the product produced based on the validity of the lesson plans met the very valid criteria with an average value of 158.5 from the validator, the LKPD met the very valid criteria of the validator with an average of 116.5 and the creative thinking test met the very valid criteria with a score of 116.5. an average of 44.5. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the STEAM-based project learning tool on Kingdom Plantae material meets the very valid criteria for increasing students' creativity
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