Learning problems, constraints, solutionsAbstract
Assyafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School in Pauh District. This study uses qualitative methods, data collection using the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. Determination of informants as sources is determined by snowball . The data analysis technique used is analysis descriptive. The results of this study indicate that there are several obstacles in the implementation of learning at the Assyafi'iyah-Pauh Islamic boarding school, including: a) pedagogic competence is still relatively low, especially in terms of developing learning tools, motivating students and using learning models, b ) the pesantren program is boring , especially in extracurricular activities, c) the economic background of the students is relatively weak, d) the culture of the community (especially the parents of the students) is still relatively traditional. The solutions offered by the Assyafi'iyah-Pauh boarding school include: a) providing direction/advice, (b) enforcing discipline, c) monitoring santri activities, d ) creating special programs (at every Ramadan), e ) conduct comparative studies to more advanced Islamic boarding schools , f) Will bring in more competitive teachers , g ) reward students who excel.Learning problems
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