Language Acquisition, Language Learning, Children Acquisition, Adult AcquisitionAbstract
Debate on Second Language Acquisition is not just about the concept but also about the real-world facts that underlie each study's findings. To better understand how children and adults learn languages, more research has needed in the field of Second Language Acquisition. Children and adults discover their first and second languages through this study. Purposive sampling has been used to identify the participants' ages, which were a mix of children and adults. Who handpicked six people based on a set of criteria? A content analysis technique has been used to assess all of the data gathered during the investigation. The results demonstrated that a fetus has tried to acquire noises subconsciously since it has been alive inside the mother's womb, especially for up to three months. The three aspects of the Phased Process Approach, namely Subconscious Acquisition, Conscious Acquisition, and Learning, define language proficiency. As early as the age of two or three, youngsters can make sense of any information they receive since they are capable of retaining meaning. The purchase procedure has already begun the learning process. Research shows that youngsters learn to speak in stages depending on how quickly their brain grows. Children and adults both learn languages in the same way, albeit adults face different challenges when mastering their first language because adults have a far more solid foundation in their first language than children do
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