Brand Image, Brand Awareness, Customer SatisfactionAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of brand image on satisfaction, the effect of brand image on loyalty, the effect of brand awareness on satisfaction, the effect of brand awareness on loyalty, the effect of customer satisfaction on loyalty, the effect of brand image through customer satisfaction on loyalty, and the effect of brand awareness through customer satisfaction on loyalty. The result of this research is that the regression coefficient of the brand image variable has a positive and significant effect on the customer satisfaction variable. The regression coefficient of the brand awareness variable has a positive and significant effect on the customer satisfaction variable, the regression coefficient for the brand image variable has a positive and significant effect on the loyalty variable. The regression coefficient of the brand awareness variable has a positive and significant effect on the loyalty variable. The regression coefficient of the customer satisfaction variable has a positive and significant effect on the loyalty variable. The path regression coefficient of the indirect calculation is smaller than the direct calculation, so the conclusion is that the mediation variable has not been able to explain the dependent variable, meaning that mediation is rejected (no mediation), on the indirect effect of brand image on tourist loyalty through customer satisfaction. The regression path coefficient of the indirect calculation is smaller than the direct calculation, so the conclusion is that the mediation variable has not been able to explain the dependent variable, meaning that mediation is rejected (no mediation), on the indirect effect of brand awareness on tourist loyalty through customer satisfaction
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