Analysis of Human Development Index Factors, poverty, Mongondow, DomesticAbstract
This study aims to analyze how the influence of the human development index factors in the Bolaang Mongondow Raya area and how big the influence is. The research method used in this study is a panel data analysis model that uses time series data and cross section data by estimating through several steps so as to obtain the right model and estimate. The types of variables are Human Development Index (Y), Gross Regional Domestic Product (X1), Total Population (X2) and Poverty (X3). Research Results (1) The Gross Regional Domestic Product variable has a positive and significant impact on the Human Development Index, meaning that every addition to the value of the Gross Regional Domestic Product will increase the value of the Human Development Index in the Greater Bolaang Mongondow Region. (2) The Population Number variable has a negative but significant effect on the Human Development Index, meaning that every addition to the poverty value will reduce the value of the Human Development Index in the Greater Bolaang Mongondow Area. (3) The poverty variable has a negative but significant effect on the human development index, meaning that every additional poverty value will reduce the value of the Human Development Index in the Bolaang Mongondow Raya area. (4) The variables of Gross Regional Domestic Product, Population, and Poverty have an effect of 91% on the Human Development Index variable in the Greater Bolaang Mongondow Area in 2015- 2019 This means that every additional poverty value will reduce the value of the Human Development Index in the Greater Bolaang Mongondow Area. (3) The poverty variable has a negative but significant effect on the human development index, meaning that every additional poverty value will reduce the value of the Human Development Index in the Bolaang Mongondow Raya area. (4) The variables of Gross Regional Domestic Product, Population, and Poverty have an effect of 91% on the Human Development Index variable in the Greater Bolaang Mongondow Area in 2015-2019 This means that every additional poverty value will reduce the value of the Human Development Index in the Greater Bolaang Mongondow Area. (3) The poverty variable has a negative but significant effect on the human development index, meaning that every additional poverty value will reduce the value of the Human Development Index in the Bolaang Mongondow Raya area. (4) The variables of Gross Regional Domestic Product, Population, and Poverty have an effect of 91% on the Human Development Index variable in the Greater Bolaang Mongondow Area in 2015-2019
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