Management, Village Fund, Welfare, PublicAbstract
This research aims to analyze Village Fund Management Strategy To Improve Community Welfare Pilohubuta Village Batudaa District District District Gorontalo. Data collection techniques use observation This research aims to analyze Village Fund Management Strategy To Improve Community Welfare Pilohubuta Village Batudaa District District District Gorontalo. Data collection techniques use observation This research aims to analyze Village Fund Management Strategy To Improve Community Welfare Pilohubuta Village Batudaa District District District Gorontalo. Data collection techniques use observation. Research Results show that; a) village fund management strategies to improve the welfare of the people of Pilohubuta Village Batudaa District District Gorontalo Regency are carried out referring to the results of the SWOT analysis as follows: a) p regional emands optimally need to continue to provide opportunities for fund managers to manage village funds according to their characteristics so as to empower village communities , b) p regional emands need to continue to encourage village fund managers to manage funds professionally according to the applicable mechanism , c) p sell the assistance of village fund managers from local governments to improve the competence of Village fund managers , d) p bucket of opportunity to manage village funds optimally able to increase capacity for Village food security programs and activities , e) r existing egulation provides an opportunity for the community to be able to manage village funds properly so that they can minimize the influence of the covid pandemic 19 , f) p the regulation is carried out optimally so that village fund managers can carry out regular evaluations of existing village funds , g) m elects to increase the capacity of village fund managers by conducting periodic evaluations of village fund management Through this strategy, management of village funds will become better and have implications for improving community welfare.
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