
  • Taleb K. Odah Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Thi-Qar, Iraq
  • Huda Taher Faisal Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Thi-Qar, Iraq


Radiation, Detoxification, GSTM1


Radiation is un energy that travels in the form of waves or particles and is part of our everyday environment. People are exposed to radiation from cosmic rays, as well as to radioactive materials found in the soil, water, food, air and also inside the body


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How to Cite

Taleb K. Odah, & Huda Taher Faisal. (2024). INFLUENCE OF RADIATION EXPOSURE ON DETOXIFICATION GSTM1 ENZYME IN AL-HUSSEIN TEACHING HOSPITAL WORK PLACE. European Journal of Agricultural and Rural Education, 5(7), 1-7. Retrieved from


