tomato, Prime MNF 15-5-20, field efficacy, yieldAbstract
This study presents the findings of a field efficacy evaluation for the growth and yield of hybrid tomatoes as influenced by Prime MNF 15-5-20 granular fertilizer. Prime MNF 15-5-20 consists mainly of 10-30% ammonium nitrate, but although its total nitrogen of 40%, it only has 14.5% available nitrogen. It also has 5% phosphate, 20% potassium, 15% chloride, 4% sulfur, 0.02% boron, and 0.02% zinc. With these available nutrients, it is believed that the product can supply the nutrients needed for the optimal growth of tomatoes. This study aimed to assess the bio-efficacy of Prime MNF 15-5-20 on the growth and yield performance of tomatoes in farmer's fields. The experiment followed a randomized complete block design with three replications, with the granular fertilizer treatments applied at three growing periods – 21 days, 35 days, and 42 days after transplanting. Parameters such as, the number of fruits/plant, number of marketable fruits per plant, the weight of marketable fruits per plant, computed yield per hectare, and number of primings were recorded, and analyzed statistically. The study revealed that the application of a double dose and single dose of Prime MNF 15-5-20, and inorganic fertilizer alone is significantly different from the half dose of Prime MNF 15-5-20 and the control. In terms of the computed yield per hectare, the application of Prime MNF 15-5- 20, at any rate, would benefit farmers with higher yields. Its application has resulted in a yield advantage of 0.55-5.4 tons over the control. These values could be translated to higher economic gains if the product is used at higher dosages. The yield differences could be translated to Php 41,530.80-53,186.80 per hectare additional income to the farmers if Prime MNF 15-5-20 is used instead of the conventional inorganic fertilizer.
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