Stone moroko, Pseudorasbora parva, meristic features, plastic featuresAbstract
Biological diversity is a measure of the health of biological systems and the basis on which many studies and research in biology rely. It is a mixture of genetic variations and environmental influences and is relied upon as a value in the management of natural resources. Plant genetic resources are among the components of this science due to the presence of a wide range of variations between species, which A natural formation occurs through which it is possible to obtain new, infinite numbers of genetic combinations. It requires the growth of the plant to a certain stage in order to take a sample, and more than one gene controls the manifestation of phenotypic characteristics. With the progress of genetics and molecular and biological genetics, it has led to the development of many molecular indicators that can be used in studying genetic diversity. There are many molecular indicators available, and each one of them differs from the other in terms of principle, application, amount of DNA, and the amount of variations discovered, as these reflect natural variations. Inherited from the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA of the species and genotypes studied. These DNA indicators have a number of advantages, including their large number, speed of acquisition, and unaffected by the environment, the type of plant tissue, and the age stage of the organism under study. These indicators can detect changes in parts of the coding and non-coding DNA. They are also characterized by going beyond the internal effects of genes, molecular indicators are thus the best alternative in studying genetic diversity and finding the distinctive genetic fingerprint of varieties and genetic structures, which helps in expanding the genetic base and adopting varieties in selection, hybridization, and future breeding programs.
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