Foliar Application, Proline, Faba BeanAbstract
Proline is an amino acid, an important role in the osmotic regulation of the cytoplasm of cells, as a complementary solute, its effective role in maintaining the swelling of cells, on enzymatic activity in the cytoplasm, by keeping enzymes from degrading, the addition of proline to the plant increases the period and number of cell divisions and expands them. The external addition of proline acid, its action was equivalent to genetic modification of a plant, using genetic engineering technology. Spraying Proline on plants improves the absorption of nutrients, and increase its accumulation in the root and vegetative total, leads to an increase in the photosynthesis process and the efficiency of the transfer of materials in the plant body, leads to an increase in yield and its components, proline accumulates during abiotic stresses, it also accumulates in various plant tissues under natural conditions that are not exposed to stress.
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