Effectiveness of Coccidiostatics Used in Chicken Coccidiosis and Effect on Marphological Indications of Blood


  • Ibragimova Feruza Davlatbaevna . Assistant at “Animal physiology, biochemistry and pathological physiology” department of “Veterinary diagnostics and food” faculty of Samarkand veterinary medicine institute
  • Ibragimov Davlatbay . Candidate of veterinary sciences, senior teacher at “Animal physiology, biochemistry and pathological physiology” department of “Veterinary diagnostics and food faculty” of Samarkand veterinary medicine institute
  • Eshimov Dusmurat . Associate professor at “Animal physiology, biochemistry and pathological physiology” department of “Veterinary diagnostics and food faculty” of Samarkand veterinary medicine institute.
  • Shomuradov Mansur Akmal ogli Student of “Veterinary prevention and treatment” faculty of Samarkand veterinary medicine institute.


Poultry, coccidiosis, immunity, oocyst


The article describes the coccidiostatics of Amprovet 25 in experimental coccidiosis of chickens and their conservation and application at the end of the experiment with per 1 percent increase in live weight of chickens on average, coccidiosis index, immunity against the disease, the spheres of influence on the invasion intensity and morphological parameters of the blood, as well as the leukocyte formula.




How to Cite

Ibragimova Feruza Davlatbaevna, Ibragimov Davlatbay, Eshimov Dusmurat, & Shomuradov Mansur Akmal ogli. (2021). Effectiveness of Coccidiostatics Used in Chicken Coccidiosis and Effect on Marphological Indications of Blood . European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability, 2(5), 151-154. Retrieved from https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejrds/article/view/877


