Air Travel Process, Flight Scheduling, Functional Activities, Port Harcourt International AirportAbstract
This study sought to examine the impact of air travel processes on repeat travel intentions of air passengers at Port Harcourt International Airport, Nigeria. Specifically, the study how functional activities, service scape, flight scheduling and personal services influences repeat travel intentions. Thus the study was guided by four research questions and hypotheses. Population for the study comprised air passengers at the Port Harcourt international Airport while sample size was streamlined to 138 respondents using the Freud and Williams’s technique for sample size determination for unknown population; consequently accidental sampling technique was adopted to select the respondents. Data for the study was gathered via the used of validated questionnaire drawn on a 5point likert scale, while reliability of the research instrument was guaranteed with a Cronbach Alpha value of 0.91. Pearson Moment Correlation Technique was used in testing the hypotheses at 95% level of confidence. It was found that air travel process have a strong positive relationship with repeat travel intentions with functional activities, service scape, flight scheduling and personal services having a predictive influence of 65.7%, 80.2%, 98.2% and 62.4% respectively on repeat travel intentions. Consequently it was concluded that seamless air travel process is a viable tool for improving the passengers ‘satisfaction towards repeat travel intentions at Port Harcourt International Airport, Nigeria. Thus amongst other recommendations, air service providers are encouraged to design and implement their air operation processes in a seamless manner that would guarantee passengers’ comfort without jeopardising best global practices and regulatory standard. In so doing, they should provide clean, spacious lobbies/waiting areas where intending travelers can wait while their service request are processed. Air operators should also provide e-ticketing facilities and platforms to enable stress free, less time consuming and responsive ticketing and flight scheduling services
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