Development impacts, Bolihutu`o, Community incomeAbstract
The development of the Bolihutu`o tourist attraction has a very broad economic driving force, not solely related to increasing tourist visits, but is able to have a good impact on society, especially in terms of people's income. This research impacts the development of the Bolihutu`o tourist destination on the income of the people of Boalemo Regency. This research methodology is descriptive qualitative, the research time was carried out for six months with a population of Bolihutu`o village people. The instrument that will be used in this research is an interview guide about the impact of tourism development. The data source used in this research is primary data, namely data obtained from interviews and direct observations in the field at Bolihutu'o Beach, Botumoito District, regarding the income of the people of Boalemo district. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques consist of Data Reduction, Data Display, Conclusion Drawing/Verification. The results of the research and discussion found three impacts resulting from the development of the Bolihutu`o tourist attraction. Firstly, there is an impact on people's income, especially people on the Bolihutuo coast. It can be seen that in 2018 there was an increase in income, especially in 2019 when people's income peaked. This income is due to the many facilities created by the government and beach managers. Second, the availability of employment opportunities for fishermen does not only involve one profession, they can be a guide for tourists who come to Bolihutu`o beach. Third, with the influx of visitors in 2019, Boalemo district's regional income increased. The research conclusions found (1) an increase in the income of the people of Bolihutu`o village and its surroundings. This increase was the result of the large number of visitors buying snacks that were being sold (2) the economic growth of Boalemo district increased and increased, the large number of domestic and foreign tourists provided economic benefits for the Boaloemo district tourism office. (3) creating job vacancies for service sellers, including photographers and tourists
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