
  • Agnes M. Goni Manado State University, Indonesia
  • Marien Pinontoan Manado State University, Indonesia


problem based learning, critical thinking, learning mathematics


States that one of the main goals of going to school is to form students' critical thinking skills and one of the subjects that is considered to be able to teach critical thinking skills is mathematics. In this study, the researcher acted as a teacher who attempted to carry out learning that focused on problem-based learning models as an effort to improve the mathematical abilities of grade 3 SD GMIM IV Tomohon. The procedures or steps to be carried out in this study are carried out in cycle-shaped activities. Each cycle consists of four main components, namely: 1. Planning (planning), 2. Implementation (action), 3. Observation, and 4. Reflection. Implementation of the Problem Based Learning Model can improve the ability to solve math problems for Grade 3 SD GMIM IV Tomohon, East Tomohon District, Tomohon City. To develop students' thinking skills, students must practice filling in questions with the guidance of the teacher. In addition, teachers can also use something to support learning such as learning media, learning models or approaches in the learning process. The Problem Based Learning (PBL) model in the process of learning mathematics can improve the ability to solve problems critically, and can increase the maximum activity and creativity of students


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How to Cite

Agnes M. Goni, & Marien Pinontoan. (2024). PROBLEM BASED LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS IN LEARNING MATHEMATICS. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability, 5(1), 41-49. Retrieved from


