
  • Gufran Kadhim Abdulkareem Technique of Pharmacy Department, Basra Technical Institute, Southern Technical University, Basra, Iraq


Patients, gastric, association, serum


The aims of this study were to determine the association between ABO blood groups and gastric ulcer and evolute the levels of serum gastrin and plasma leptin in patients at the General Basrah Hospital. Peripheral blood samples of all subjects were collected for ABO blood group, serum gastrin and plasma leptin estimation. There were significant statistical results related to the blood groups to be considered as a risk factor with P-value < 0.05. There was significant increase in serum gastrin in group 2 compared to the control group. On the other hand, there was significant decrease in serum Leptin in group 2 on comparison to the control group. Patients were use NSAID.


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How to Cite

Gufran Kadhim Abdulkareem. (2023). DETERMINATION THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN ABO BLOOD GROUP AND GASTRIC ULCER. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability, 4(12), 6-8. Retrieved from


