Spiritual motive, cultural-historical motive, nature motive, destination loyaltyAbstract
This research aims to analyze the influence of spiritual motive, cultural-historical motive, and natural motive on tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty of Muslim tourists at Sunan Muria's tomb in the Kudus, Indonesia. This is survey research that uses a quantitative approach. The data come from 275 Muslim tourists to the Sunan Muria’s tomb in Kudus taken using an accidental sampling technique. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses partial least squares path modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings show that spiritual motive and natural motive positively and significantly affect destination loyalty. However, cultural-historical motive does not influence destination loyalty. Spiritual motive and cultural-historical motive have a positive and significant effect on tourist satisfaction, but the natural motive does not influence tourist satisfaction. The results should be able to contribute to the Islamic tourism business actors in understanding certain factors that can increase destination loyalty at the Sunan Muria religious site in developing the halal tourism sector.
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