Principle of Contrario Actus, Execution, PTUN DecisionAbstract
Contrarius actus is an administrative law concept that states which state administrative officials who make state administrative decisions automatically have the authority to change, replace, revoke or cancel the documents they make. Non-compliance by TUN officials in applying the contrarius actus principle to PTUN decisions is a problem in this study. As an official with absolute authority to revoke or amend the decision, it should be attached to his position. The aim of this research is to determine the existence and analyze the strength of the executorial implementation of PTUN Judge Decisions in order to realize legal certainty in Indonesia. In this dissertation, the issues that will be discussed are First, what are the arrangements for the execution of State Administrative Court Decisions in Indonesia, Second, Is the application of the Contrario Actus Principle in the execution of State Administrative Court Decisions effective in order to realize legal certainty in Indonesia, Third, what is the executorial power? Decisions of judges at the State Administrative Court can create legal certainty for justice seekers in Indonesia. This research is normative juridical research, namely research that is focused on examining the application of rules or norms in positive law. The object of this research is positive law which regulates the existence of decisions of State Administrative Court judges in the context of realizing legal certainty. In this research, there are five main approaches used, namely: the legislative approach (Normative approach), the case approach, the Historical approach, the comparative approach and the conceptual approach. The results of this research are that, many of the arrangements for the execution of PTUN decisions are still not implemented because the execution arrangements in the State Administrative Court Law give rise to misunderstandings regarding the independence of judicial institutions. The application of the Contrario Actus Principle in the execution of State Administrative Court Decisions has not been effective in realizing legal certainty. In Indonesia, because there are no clear and specific regulations that state sanctions for Defendants who do not implement PTUN decisions, the legal awareness possessed by state administration officials in Indonesia is still quite low to obey in implementing PTUN Decisions, TUN Officials who do not comply PTUN's decision is a criminal act (Contempt of Court)
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