livestock, latitude, applicationAbstract
This research conducts monitoring of Livestock Based Internet of Things (IoT) for Efficiency and Sustainability. The monitoring tool will send the value to the web server. In the designed Android application, livestock owners will get information about the condition of their livestock. Based on the tools used, livestock owners can identify the heart rate of the condition of the livestock and the location of the livestock to ensure that the animals are in the database and geofencing area at predetermined location points. By using geofencing, you can provide notifications to users when livestock leave the geofencing area based on a predetermined location. To minimize the loss of livestock. The output of the research is an android-based application that can monitor animals and the condition of the animals. The tools in this study use the u-blox neo-6m GPS sensor to obtain latitude and longitude data which will later be converted into livestock locations and pulse heart rate sensors to obtain the heartbeat of a farm animal. The latitude and longitude data stored in the database will later be used to determine the location of livestock on the maps contained in the application. The method used is a research method in the field of hardware programming, the result of which is an application and tool to be able to detect the presence of livestock and the condition of livestock
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