
  • Aam Hernita Sriwulan Faculty of Law, Notary Magister Jayabaya University, Indonesia
  • Jelly Nasseri Faculty of Law, Notary Magister Jayabaya University, Indonesia
  • Yuliana Setiadi Faculty of Law, Notary Magister Jayabaya University, Indonesia
  • Yuhelson Faculty of Law, Notary Magister Jayabaya University, Indonesia


Legal Protection, Apostille, Notary


Apostille program for public documents to be used abroad is one of the progressive steps intended for ease of licensing and regulations regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Man Number 6 of 2022 concerning Service Legalization Apostille in Public Documents, but it is known that this apostille service still has several shortcomings, namely one of them with needed exists legalization by apostille to document created or legalized by a notary , as it were reflect that document created or legalized by a notary as if No own mark protection law for The holder of this research was conducted using normative research methods, with primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The research results show Protection law to legalization documents made by Apostille in Indonesia, there are two forms protection law that is preventive and repressive, where protection law preventive on legalization document made by Apostille that is protection on verification authenticity on documents legalized by Apostille, protection in form convenience in access service Apostille , and protection in form certainty law from exists certificate Apostille issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights , however need scrutinized that with needed exists legalization by apostille to document created or legalized by a notary, as it were reflect that document created or legalized by a notary as if No own mark protection law for the holder , then Authority sole Ministry of Law and Human Rights Man in carry out function from Apostille own umbrella law in Article 4 paragraph 2 of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 6 of 2022. Where is it authority sole by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Man in carry out function legalization document public through service Apostille naturally is exists real government in simplify jurisdiction over the legalization process document public For can increase development nor the economy of the republic of Indonesia, however with exists legalization from apostile as if raises dualism authority in the legalization process between apostile with notary


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How to Cite

Aam Hernita Sriwulan, Jelly Nasseri, Yuliana Setiadi, & Yuhelson. (2023). LEGAL PROTECTION OF APOSTILE ARRANGEMENTS IN RELATION TO THE NOTARY IN INDONESIA. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability, 4(7), 39-47. Retrieved from


