
  • Safrijal Siregar
  • Tofik Yanuar Chandra Master of Law at Jayabaya University, Jakarta
  • Kristiawanto Yuhelson Master of Law at Jayabaya University, Jakarta
  • Madeline Vanessa Audrey Master of Law at Jayabaya University, Jakarta


Criminal Acts, Criminal Liability, Trade Secrets


On the issue of criminal liability for the perpetrators of trade secret crimes in Indonesia, it can be concluded that the handling of criminal liability cases against the perpetrators of trade secret crimes in Indonesia is still not going as well as expected by the owners of trade secrets in Indonesia. The owners of trade secrets who are victims of the perpetrators of trade secret crimes feel that they have not received proper trade secret protection because the trade secrets owned by the owners of trade secrets are obtained through hard work and require special expertise. They spend a lot of time and money, so the secret trade has a sale value. As a result of this, it is necessary to have legal protection for the business owners of trade secrets so that their trade secrets can be properly protected. The formulation of the problem in this research is: what is the scope of trade secrets in Indonesia? And what is the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators of trade secret crimes in Indonesia? The theories used in this study are the theory of trade secrets and the theory of criminal liability.


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How to Cite

Safrijal Siregar, Tofik Yanuar Chandra, Kristiawanto Yuhelson, & Madeline Vanessa Audrey. (2023). CRIMINAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR TRADE SECRET CRIMINAL ACTIONS IN INDONESIA. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability, 4(7), 31-38. Retrieved from


