
  • Aris Dwi Nugroho Doctoral candidate UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi - Indonesia
  • Muntholib Professors, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi- Indonesia
  • Kasful Anwar US Assoc Professor, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi– Indonesia


Leadership, Women, Pesantren


This study aims to describe the factors that led to the emergence of women's leadership the Pesantren in Jambi Province. The leadership played by the female character in question is the leaders of the Pesantren Nurul Iman Sebapo, the Pesantren Diniyyah Al-Azhar Jambi City, and the Pesantren Ainul Yaqin Jambi City. This research approach uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Determination of research subjects using purposive sampling technique, which is a sampling technique by considering certain criteria according to the research objectives. Data analysis was carried out at the time of data collection, and after completing data collection within a certain period with data reduction techniques, data presentation, data verification and drawing conclusions. Reliability with extended participation techniques, accuracy of observations, data triangulation and consultation with promoters and colleagues. The results showed that the factors that led to the emergence of female leadership in the three Islamic boarding schools were dominated by social and ecological factors. In general, birth is caused by a process that is passed both consciously and unconsciously. In addition, educational background, experience, and community demands. However, genetic factors also contribute, although not dominant.


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How to Cite

Aris Dwi Nugroho, Muntholib, & Kasful Anwar US. (2023). WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP THE PESANTREN IN JAMBI PROVINCE. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability, 4(7), 23-30. Retrieved from https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejrds/article/view/3726


