Telling the Contents of Reading, Communicative ApproachAbstract
The problem in the research is "Is the communicative approach able to improve the ability to tell the contents of reading to students?". The purpose of this study was to improve students' ability to tell the contents of the reading through a communicative approach SMA Negeri 1 Kontunaga 2021/2022. The research method used is classroom action research using observation data collection techniques, action tests, and documentation. The results showed that of the 14 students based on the results of initial observations, there were 5 students (36%) who were able to tell the contents of the reading well, while 9 students (64%). In the first cycle of action phase I there were 6 students (43%) who were able and 8 students (57%). Cycle I stage II there are 9 students (64%) who are able and 5 students (36%). In the second cycle of action, there were 12 students who were able to do it (86%) while the students who were not able were 2 people (14%). Thus it can be concluded that the communicative approach has improved students' ability to tell the contents of the reading
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