ACE-2 receptor, Active smoking, Iraqi population, SARS-COV2 infectionAbstract
Smoking regarded an important predisposing factor for cardiovascular and pulmonary disease and known risk factor for severe outcomes and death result from respiratory infection. This study aims to quantify the correlation between smoking and COVID-19 disease progression. This cross-sectional study done on 200 COVID-19 patients have been recruited from Al-Diwaniyah teaching hospital, Iraq in period of 1st of November, 2020 to the end of February, 2021, to assess the effect of smoking on susceptibility and/or clinical symptoms of SARS-COV2 infection. The study reveals no significant correlation between smoking and susceptibility nor with severity of disease (p = 0.231). During the time of this study, no strong evidence was available suggest that smoking have an effect on severity of SARS-COV2 infection. Smoking is not a risk factor for having bad COVID-19progression. even if one might have anticipated the opposite. Thus, the epidemiological data seem to question the role of coexisting active smoking as a risk factor for COVID-19 pneumonia
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