pomegranate, residues, Growth, TagetesAbstract
A factorial experiment applied according to randomized complete block design (RCBD) and with three replications during the winter season 2021-2022 in the greenhouse of the College of Science, University of Babylon in a soil with a mixed tissue to study the effect of extracts of pomegranate plant residues on the growth of some ornamental plants (Calendula officinalis L., Tagetes erecta L.and , Althaea rosea L.) were studied. The results indicated a different in the effect of pomegranate peel extract between stimulating and inhibiting the growth of some ornamental plants. The extract showed an inhibitory effect on all growth characteristics of Calendula officinalis plants. As for the Tagetes erecta plant, it showed an increase in root length and a slight increase in the number of leaves. As for the length of the leaf, it did not. The extract has no significant effect, while we note a stimulus to growth in the Althaea rosea plant when the same treatment As for the effect of the plant extract on the anatomical characteristics of the Calendula officinalis and Tagetes erecta leaf, it gave the highest rate in the dimensions of normal epidermal cells and on both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces under the effect of the treatment, except for the abaxial surface of the Tagetes erecta leaf. The treatment gave the lowest rate of stomata length compared to the control plant. Treating the Althaea rosea plant with the plant extract results in an increase or decrease in the dimensions of the epidermal cells and their stomata on both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces
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