The Old, The Updated and The Old, The Innovator, The PrintedAbstract
Language is a living organism that grows and develops with the movement of human societies that live in the channels of their spaces and exercise their utilitarian, organizational, interactive, personal, exploratory, imaginative, media and symbolic functions. Where it confirms the presence of the social aspect of language, and language as a social phenomenon, used by members of the human group in the processes of intellectual communication, and different life situations, and they differ with them in language performance exercises in a relative and limited way, as well as in their abilities and linguistic ability, and in this research we dealt with the link referred to by Dr. which have a role in the convergence file of linguistic units, it practices communication legitimately and achieves its semantic objectives by possessing the elements of power in the direct live transmission of life meanings in all its spectrums and color segments. Language is an important mode in human life, as it contributes to creating various patterns of communication between humans, and with this characteristic it seeks to make the forms of communication into different cognitive patterns, and the blackness of the pronunciation is not like its whiteness, and I tried in this research to show the views of Dr. Abdul Qadir Abdul Jalil in language and its relationship to human thought, and its role in linguistic communication as it is of great importance in the linguistic impact and linguistic thought in general.
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