Working Capital, Sales, Profitability, analysisAbstract
The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of working capital and sales on the level of profitability. This research is quantitative deriftive research. The analytical methods used in this study are the T test, the F Test, the double linear regression analysis test, the determination coefficient test (R2), the Normality Test, the Autocorrelation Test, the Multicollinearity Test, the Heteroskedasticity Test. Results from the study showed that working capital (X1) and Sales (X2) positively affect profitability (Y) on CV. Alam Jaya Pematang Bandar. Where the value of the t table < t calculated (2,364 < 2,863) and the adjusted figure R square is 0.688 or 68.8% variable profitability can be explained by working capital and sales variables. The remaining 31.2% were affected or explained by other variables not included in the study.
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