
  • Nabeel Hasan Al-Mutairi Polymers and Petrochemical Engineering Industries Department, College of Materials Engineering, University of Babylon, Al-Hilla, Iraq
  • Atheer Hussain Mehdi Polymers and Petrochemical Engineering Industries Department, College of Materials Engineering, University of Babylon, Al-Hilla, Iraq
  • Ban Jawad Kadhim Polymers and Petrochemical Engineering Industries Department, College of Materials Engineering, University of Babylon, Al-Hilla, Iraq


Nanotechnology, Nanocomposites, MMC, CMC


Nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without nano-technologies, more specific: nanomaterials. The purpose of this review article is to highlight the definition, types and the application of both nano-materials and nano-composites. Different types of nanocomposites materials with different application are exist based on their matrix and nano material phases. Also, there are different types of reinforcements (particles, fibers, and sheets) each type has its properties and application. These materials are used in a lot of application from easy application to advanced once


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How to Cite

Nabeel Hasan Al-Mutairi, Atheer Hussain Mehdi, & Ban Jawad Kadhim. (2022). NANOCOMPOSITES MATERIALS DEFINITIONS, TYPES AND SOME OF THEIR APPLICATIONS: A REVIEW. European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability, 3(2), 102-108. Retrieved from


