Definite Articles, Indefinite Articles, Specific Reference, General ReferenceAbstract
This investigation was led on fifty understudies from the fourth organized in the English Language Department at the Faculty of Basic Education of Babylon University for the scholastic year 2018-2019. This examination was worried about the utilization of distinct and uncertain articles in the English sentence to has explicit or general reference. Along these lines the majority of Iraqi EFL college understudies have an issue to comprehend and understand this sort of utilization. The goal of this work is to obtain the extent to which Iraqi EFL university students can distinguish and form sentences with a general or special reference using these tools. This study was based on the following hypothesis: 1. Iraqi EFL university students face a problem in identifying the reference (both specific and general) by using the definite and indefinite articles in the English sentence. 2. After conducting the statistical analysis on the students’ answers to the test subjects, the following results were obtained 3. Iraqi EFL university students have a difficulty in identifying the reference (both specific and general) using the definite and indefinite articles in English sentence. 4. Learners’ performance of Iraqi EFL University at the recognitive level of distinguishing the sentences (being of special or public significance) is better than their performative one of the composition of sentences (being of special or general significance).
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