Religiosity, Payment Performance, BMTAbstract
This study aims to determine and analyze whether the dimensions of religiosity have a positive and significant effect on the payment performance of BMT Tinelo Sejahtera, Gorontalo Regency. This type of quantitative research used concurrent mixed method approach with concurrent triangulation strategy. The population of 84 members of BMT were taken as sample because the respondents were less than 100. Data were collected from questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques used smart PLS software. The results indicate that; 1) the dimension of belief has positive and significant effect on the payment performance of BMT Tinelo Sejahtera in Gorontalo Regency; 2) the dimension of religious practice has positive and significant effect on the payment performance of BMT Tinelo Sejahtera in Gorontalo Regency; 3) the dimension of appreciation has negative and insignificant effect on the payment performance of BMT Tinelo Sejahtera in Gorontalo Regency; 4) the dimension of knowledge has negative and insignificant effect on the payment performance of BMT Tinelo Sejahtera in Gorontalo Regency; 5) the dimension of experience/consequence has negative and insignificant effect on the payment performance of BNT Tinelo Sejahtera, Gorontalo Regency. Overall statistical results show the value of R-Square religiosity is only 4.84%, while the rest is influenced by other variables that are not included in this study, such as the characteristics of the borrower, the business, the lender institution, and the characteristics of the loan. To improve payment performance, BMT must provide; 1) education about religious understanding related to how important it is to pay loans according to the agreement; 2) information on dangers and risks that will be accepted by someone when violating the agreed rules, especially regarding the safety and goodness that will be received in this world and in the hereafter; 3) business assistance with related institutions to ensure the continuity of the business of BMT members as a form of concern for the BMT so that they are motivated to pay the loans on time.
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