Workplace Spirituality, Self-Empowerment, Holy Shrine Of Imam AliAbstract
Workplace spirituality is a construct widely discussed over the past few decades and it is a much-disputed inquiry field which is gaining the interest of practitioners and scholars. Some clarifications regarding concepts and definitions are necessary in order to structure and direct the current debate , This study aims to study the role of workplace spirituality where many researchers have emphasized on its importance for achieving self-empowerment among employees . For that purpose , a total of 200 Questionnaires were distributed to respondents working at the Shrine of Imam Ali ( Peace be upon him ) , out of which 185 forms that were properly filled were used for analysis . Research data was collected and analyzed through statistical analysis by employing a package of (SPSS). The findings show that workplace spirituality has a tremendous positive effect of workplace spirituality in self-empowering the employees. Furthermore , the findings of the study will present a significant contribution to literature through creating awareness concerning subject not only for organization management but also for its members
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